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Tree Service in Chattanooga

Tree Service in Chattanooga TN

A large tree can be a boon to your yard. It can provide shade, potentially lowering your cooling bills during the summer, and boost your property’s curb appeal. Unfortunately, trees aren’t exactly maintenance-free– they frequently need to be pruned to remove overgrown or dead branches, may need to be removed due to age or disease, and may need some serious TLC after severe storms. Fortunately, a tree service in Chattanooga, Tennessee, can provide you with all of the help you need.

Tree Service in ChattanoogaConsidering the amount of maintenance that trees may require, why not use a tree service instead of attempting a DIY solution? The answer may surprise you. While doing things yourself can help you save labor costs for many home projects, maintaining trees isn’t necessarily one of them– safely handling tree pruning, felling, or stump grinding requires specialized knowledge and equipment. There’s no substitute for experience.

Even something a simple as cleaning up fallen or broken tree limbs after a storm can make it worth hiring a professional tree service. Tree limbs are heavy, often difficult to remove, and dead limbs are tricky to safely prune. Dozens of preventable injuries and deaths occur every year due to tree maintenance accidents, either from falling from trees, being hit by falling limbs, suffering blows from axes or chainsaws, or even just being struck by improperly secured branches.

An inexperienced person puts more than themselves at risk, too. It’s very easy for a wayward tree or limb to fall somewhere unexpected, potentially damaging vehicles or buildings. Even the tree itself can suffer at the hands of someone who doesn’t know how to properly handle it– removing limbs from a live tree exposes the tree’s circulatory system to invasion by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or pests. An experienced tree service will know how to minimize the spread of pathogens and protect vulnerable open wounds in trees, thereby ensuring that your tree stays healthy and beautiful.

If you live in the Chattanooga, TN, area and are considering pruning or removing a tree, weigh the benefits and risks of tackling the project yourself. A professional tree service can offer you peace of mind and a beautiful yard, all while you stay in the comfort of your home.